Virtual Cage Night

Bates ’77 Virtual Cage Night

It’s Cage Night!

Close those books! Take a break! You don’t have a midterm tomorrow, do you? No early morning lab, no door duty at the dorm, no dishroom at 7 a.m., no 8 a.m. class. No excuses!!

Bring a pitcher of your favorite local beer (no alcohol required) or wine (for those who are in wine country) and spend an hour catching up with your classmates before our 45th Reunion in June.

After a brief welcome, participants can join breakout rooms with discussion prompts. Some of the prompts will be reflective of our time at Bates and some will be about who we have become since we graduated. We want this to be a space for everyone to feel welcome and have an enjoyable time.

We want all alumni to be able to fully participate. If you would benefit from closed captioning during the event, please email Casey Andersen ’12 (she/her) at

Sign up below. We hope to see you there! 

– The 1977 45th Reunion Social Committee