Library Archives
January 21, 2016
OverDrive and Maine InfoNet Back Online
Bates accounts in the Maine InfoNet Download Library via OverDrive were briefly unavailable, but are now back online. If you are unable to login…
January 4, 2016
CBB Request has Moved!!!
A short migration makes getting things from Bowdoin and Colby even easier!
September 18, 2015
Did you know Ladd lends Thesis Lockers?
Are you a senior? Are you tired of dragging around bags stuffed with books?
November 19, 2014
Food for Fines Program
Participants in the Library’s program have just donated 164 pounds to a local food pantry yesterday! Have overdue fines? think about donating non-perishable foods at the Circulation Desk as payment for them.
January 18, 2014
Looking to read “The Speech”?
There are two copies on 1-day checkout at the Circulation Desk.
August 21, 2013
Does the Library Have Textbooks?
The answer has traditionally been “no,” but that is beginning to change.