SUS: Sustainability Research Assistant (S9964C)

Summary, Scope, and Responsibilities

The purpose of this position is to assist the Manager of Campus Sustainability Initiatives with research and development of core leadership principles for inclusion in student environmental programs.

The Basics

Department:Sustainable Bates
Supervisor: David Larrabee
Office Location:
Pay Grade:

Qualifications, Requirements, and Responsibilities


Specific responsibilities include, but may not be limited to: Review leadership readings and core concepts to: Develop discussion questions on each set of readings for 2013 environmental leadership course-relate back to student experiences/issues and opportunities at Bates. Develop a polished plan for leading fall 2012 and winter 2013 EcoReps through an exercise to brainstorm and agree on a goal the team will identify and work to achieve by the end of each semester-use open/narrow/close tool for brainstorming and building agreement on goal, technical vs. adaptive challenges for developing project(s) to achieve the goal, and questions for strategic planning to guide implementation. Develop mini workshops (1hr each) for teaching students key concepts (e.g. using community-based social marketing and social norms for outreach campaigns; how to build agreement; steps for creating and implementing a project; strategic planning; etc.) – the goal is to use these for EcoRep orientation, BEAM meetings, JA/RC programming, new student orientation, and other forums as applicable. Conduct outreach to key faculty and staff to introduce and get feedback on mini workshops.



Working Conditions

Ability to do unsupervised work responsibly, work independently and collaboratively, Effective communication skills (through a variety of means), Ability to see projects through to completion and be accountable for your work, Ability to learn information about sustainability topics and relate that information in a variety of ways, Enthusiastic, engaging individual who is passionate about environmental and social issues, and a Sense of creativity and fun