SA: BCSG Secretary (S99828)

Summary, Scope, and Responsibilities

About this Job
The Bates College Student Government (BCSG) Secretary is responsible for BCSG, BCSG Funding & Activities Board (FAB), and BCSG Committee Selection Board (CSB) communications and record keeping, and is a vital position that maintains BCSG’s history and continuity of operations. We hire three secretaries to manage the workload cooperatively.
Leadership Development
Campus Life embeds the Bates Leads Framework into its student leadership and employment positions. The following competencies are most relevant to this position:

Consciousness of Self & Impact: Awareness of one’s beliefs, values, attitudes, and emotions; recognition that these are shaped by cultural context and other external forces. Self-awareness, including one’s inherited and positional power and privilege. Awareness of one’s impact on individuals and community, recognizing the impact of each action and inaction
BCSG Secretaries will be most successful if they are able to know their own strengths and apply that knowledge to their work with others on BCSG.

Commitment: The passion, energy, creativity, and follow-through one brings to ideas, pursuits, and collective goals.
This position involves a high level of responsibility and autonomy, and requires individuals to capitalize on their passion for making a difference in the Bates community. Persistence and follow-through are often necessary to achieving success in this position.

Collaboration: Working reciprocally with others. Working across differences to achieve a shared goal. Bringing multiple perspectives, diverse experiences, and individual creativity to bear on a pursuit.
This position requires working with fellow BCSG members, constituents, and various members of the Bates community.

The Basics

Department:Bates College Student Government
Supervisor: Nick Dressler
Office Location: Chase Hall G10
Pay Grade:
Hours: 2
Workers: 3

Qualifications, Requirements, and Responsibilities


The BCSG Secretary is responsible for: Attending and documenting minutes at all BCSG, FAB, and CSB meetings. Each of these meetings are typically 60-90 minutes in length each, and occur weekly. Working closely with members of the above organizations and Campus Life staff to ensure accuracy of minutes. Maintaining and updating the BCSG website as needed, including uploading weekly agendas and minutes. Creating and maintaining a close relationship with relevant members of The Bates Student newspaper staff for publication of agendas and minutes. BCSG’s social media presence - creating and posting relevant content related to BCSG operations and agenda. Assisting the BCSG Co-Presidents, FAB Chair, and/or CSB Co-Chairs with the coordination of their respective group, including scheduling regular meetings, maintaining Google Drive documents, and holding members of the group accountable to established expectations and deadlines.


Timely in presence and communications (ability to respond to emails within 24 hours unless special circumstance arises). Should be honest, flexible, responsible, dedicated, and level-headed. Passion in cultivating an equitable and inclusive environment. Ability to work with diverse populations. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Should have excellent organizational and time management skills.


The BCSG Secretary works closely with BCSG, FAB, and CSB members, as well as Campus Life office staff.

Working Conditions

Mostly sitting at weekly meetings. Personal device that can access the internet required.